
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Drive Encryption
Removable Media, File and Folder Encryption
Database Security

Data is the modern business’s most valuable asset and resource. BICC offers DLP solutions that enable the implementation and enforcement of company-wide security policies - regulating and restricting how your employees use and transfer sensitive data via email, instant messaging, printing and USB drives.

BICC’s drive encryption solution automatically encrypts entire devices, without requiring  user intervention or training and without impacting system resources. It prevents unauthorized access to confidential data on endpoints - including desktops, VDI workstations, laptops and other devices.

BICC data protection solutions can be configured to ensure that specified files and folders are always encrypted, regardless of where data is edited, copied, or saved. Our solution automatically and transparently encrypts the files and folders you choose and provides on-the-fly encryption for virtually any mobile storage device.

BICC solutions offer real-time protection for business-critical databases from all types of threats - external, internal, and even intra-database exploits. It includes Vulnerability Manager for Databases, Database Activity Monitoring and Virtual Patching for Databases.